Translation for "la nuit en" to english
La nuit en
Translation examples
the night in
:: Sursalaires de nuit (services de nuit) : 113 022 euros
:: Night differentials (night shifts): Euro113,022
De nuit:
by night:
Nuit noire, nuit de tristesse, nuit de larmes.
A dark night, a night of sorrow, a night of tears.
e) Nombre de nuits − durée de chaque visite en nuits.
(e) Number of nights - duration of each visit in nights.
- la nuit en question ?
- on the night in question?
J'ai passé la nuit en prison.
I spent the night in jail.
- Papa passe la nuit en ville.
- Dad spends the night in town.
- Vous passerez la nuit en prison.
- You'll spend the night in jail.
A propos de la nuit en question.
About the night in question.
Pas la nuit en question.
Not on the night in question.
Tu sais, la nuit en question?
You know the night in question?
Autre que la nuit en question.
Other than the night in question.
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