Translation for "le voler" to english
Translation examples
Vol d'enfant
Child stealing
Les vols ont été commis par les Arabes.
The Arab people did the stealing.
b) Vol de matières nucléaires;
steals nuclear material;
Vol commis par un employé de maison
Stealing Theft by servant
Agression avec intention de commettre un vol
Assaults with intent to steal
9. Vol d'enfant,
9. Child stealing.
- Allons le voler.
- Let's go steal it.
Non, le voler.
No, steal it.
Pourquoi le voler ?
- Hmm? Why steal it?
On va le voler.
We'll steal it.
Comment le voler?
How to steal it?
Tu vas le voler ?
- Steal it? - Listen.
Ils vont le voler.
They'll steal it.
- Sans le voler.
-But not steal it.
Vous allez le voler ?
You're gonna steal it?
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