Translation for "né sur" to english
Né sur
Translation examples
:: L'enfant légitime en Guinée d'un père qui y est lui-même ;
Legitimate children born in Guinea of a father also born in Guinea
1. Les auteurs sont Petr Kuznetsov, en 1981, Youri Zakharenko, en 1959, Anatoly Poplavny, en 1958, Vasily Polyakov, en 1969, et Vladimir Katsora, en 1957; tous sont de nationalité bélarussienne.
1. The authors are Petr Kuznetsov, born in 1981; Yury Zakharenko, born in 1959; Anatoly Poplavny, born in 1958; Vasily Polyakov, born in 1969; and Vladimir Katsora, born in 1957, all Belarusian nationals.
a) L'enfant légitime en Guinée d'un père qui y est lui-même .
(a) a legitimate child born in Guinea of a father who was himself born there;
à :
Born at:
Cela signifie que près d'un habitant sur cinq soit est à l'étranger, soit est en Suède en ayant au moins un parent à l'étranger.
This means that about one fifth of the total population were either born abroad or born in Sweden with at least one parent born abroad.
1. L'enfant en Mauritanie d'un père qui y est luimême .
1. A child born in Mauritania of a father himself born in Mauritania;
1. L'enfant en Mauritanie d'un père étranger qui y est lui- même .
1. If the child is born in Mauritania of a foreign father who was born there himself;
Je suis sur Krypton.
i was born on krypton.
sur le champ de bataille.
Born on a battlefield.
sur un "chesterfield". [canapé anglais]
Born on the chesterfield.
Il est sur Margot.
He was born on Margot.
T'es sur le soleil ?
Were you born on the sun?
Vous êtes sur Terre.
You were born on the planet Earth.
Je suis sur Mars.
I was born on Mars.
- Will est sur Caprica.
Will was born on Caprica.
Je suis sur Picon.
I was born on picon.
Le premier bébé sur Novus.
First baby is born on Novus.
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