Translation for "ne se marient" to english
Ne se marient
  • do not get married
  • not marry
Translation examples
not marry
En réalité, peu d'adolescents se marient.
In fact, people rarely married in their teens.
Ainsi rares sont les nigériens qui se marient conformément à ce code.
It is rare for couples from the Niger to marry in accordance with this Code.
Cellesci se marient de plus en plus jeunes.
There is a growing trend for girls to marry younger.
Jusqu'à 14,3 % des femmes se marient avant 20 ans.
As many as 14.3% of women marry before the age of 20.
Les couples se marient plus tard et ont moins d'enfants.
Couples were marrying later and having fewer children.
:: Les femmes instruites se marient plus tardivement;
* Educated women marry later
Les filles sont déclarées adultes lorsqu'elles se marient.
Girls are declared adults when they marry.
Les filles qui se marient ont moins de chances de recevoir une éducation.
Girls who are married are less likely to have an education.
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