Translation for "officiers de" to english
Translation examples
Maintien d'un camp d'officiers d'état-major (127 officiers)
Maintenance of staff officer camp with 127 officers
10 370 officiers supérieurs, officiers, sous-officiers et policiers au niveau national
10,370 chiefs, senior officers, non-commissioned officers and police officers at the national level
350 officiers supérieurs, officiers, sous-officiers et policiers au niveau national
350 chiefs, senior officers, non-commissioned officers and police officers at the national level
2) L'officier ou le sous-officier doit:
(2) The Officer or sub-officer shall -
3 officiers pour chaque cours − 15 officiers.
3 officers for each course - 15 officers
En 2002, les femmes représentaient moins d'un pour cent des sous-officiers, officiers techniciens et officiers de carrière.
Among career non-commissioned officers, warrant officers and officers - women in 2002 constituted less than one percentage point of the total.
Environ 280 officiers supérieurs, officiers, sous-officiers et policiers
Approximately 280 chiefs, senior officers, non-commissioned officers and police officers
Maintien d'un camp d'officiers comptant 127 officiers
Maintenance of staff officer training camp with 127 officers
Recrutement des officiers et sous-officiers
Recruitment of officers and non-commissioned officers
Officier de l'année.
Officer of the year.
- Officier de service.
- Officer of the day.
officier .. de bord.
Officer of the watch, sir.
Officier de la loi ?
Officer of the law?
Officier de justice !
Officer of the court!
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