Translation for "plus confus" to english
Plus confus
Translation examples
Plusieurs participants se sont opposés à toute addition au texte de la convention générale, craignant qu'il n'en devienne encore plus confus.
Several participants objected to adding more language to the draft. Otherwise the text would become even more confusing.
La création d'un groupe de travail à composition non limitée ne ferait que rendre plus confus un processus déjà compliqué, outre que cela aurait des incidences financières.
The establishment of an open-ended working group would only make an already complicated process more confused, as well as having budget implications.
Pourtant, en ajoutant le membre de phrase «sustainable utilization» et, plus loin, «taking into account the interests of the watercourse States concerned» on n'a fait que rendre le texte plus confus.
However, adding the words "sustainable utilization" and, further on, "taking into account the interests of the watercourse States concerned", made the implementation and understanding of the article more confusing.
Pendant ce temps, après le petit speech de mon père, je me sentais plus confus que jamais.
Meanwhile, after my dad's little talk with me, I felt more confused than ever.
Maintenant, je suis plus confus que jamais.
Now I'm more confused than ever.
Il devient plus confus et paranoïaque à la fin de la journée.
He gets more confused and paranoid at the end of the day.
C'est encore plus confus.
It's just more confusion, you know.
Non, il était plus confus qu'autre chose.
No, he was more confused than anything.
Je pense être encore plus confus sur ce que j'essaie de faire que lui.
I think I'm more confused about what I'm trying to do than he is.
Ils veulent juste rendre ça plus confus.
Just want to make it more confusing.
Le rendez-vous nous a rendus encore plus confus.
that stupid counselor meeting left us more confused than ever.
Je suis encore plus confus là.
I am more confused than I was before.
Maintenant, je suis encore plus confus que je l'étais avant de commencer.
Now I'm more confused than I was before I started.
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