Translation for "revivez" to english
Translation examples
Vous revivez tout ça, maintenant.
It's like you're reliving it all now.
Vous le revivez.
You relive it.
Elle m'a parlé d'une oeuvre de charité. La fondation revivez votre journée.
Some story about a special charity, the Relive Your Day Foundation.
Je pense que quand vous revivez un événement traumatisant comme ça, il est important de vous éloigner.
I think that when you relive a traumatic event this strongly, it's important to distance yourself.
Donc vous revivez tous les deux le même jour ?
So you're both reliving the same day?
Revivez ce moment.
Relive that moment.
Rencontrez celles qui ont partagé sa passion dans sa recherche du grand amour et revivez le plus beau jour de sa vie : il a réalisé son rêve de toujours Lorraine Baines McFly.
Meet the women who shared in his passion as he searched for true love, and relive Biff's happiest moment as, in 1973, he realized his life-long romantic dream by marrying his high school sweetheart, Lorraine Baines McFly.
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