Similar context phrases
Translation examples
♪ Je te traitais mal ♪
♪ I treated you bad ♪
- Je traitais Tanya comme une reine.
- I treated Tanya like a queen.
- Tu la traitais comme de la merde.
You treated her like crap.
Tu la traitais mal.
Because you don't treat her right.
Je te traitais bien.
I treated you well.
- Je la traitais mal ?
I didn't treat her right?
Tu traitais Jerry ainsi ?
You treat Jerry this way?
Que je te traitais comme un gamin?
I treat you like luggage?
Je le traitais comme un toutou.
Treated him like a dog.
Nous avions juste besoin de te montrer avec qui tu traitais.
We just needed to show you who you were dealing with.
Je traitais des problèmes personnels.
I was dealing with some personal problems.
La vérité est, je ne savais je traitais avec Adrian Croix.
The truth is, I never knew I was dealing with Adrian Cross.
Quand j'étais actrice, j'avais ma compagnie, c'est moi qui traitais.
And when I was an actress, I had my own company. I made my own deals.
Je traitais le désordre avec lequel votre frère nous as laissés.
Dealing with the mess your brother left us.
Je ne traitais pas directement avec elle.
I didn't deal with her directly. Julian brought me her drawings.
Je pensais que je traitais avec Barry Vance là-dessus.
I thought I was dealing with Barry Vance on this one.
Je traitais avec juste au cas où
I was dealing with just in case
Tort de penser que je traitais avec les Allemands.
Wrong to think I had any dealings with the Germans.
Je pensais que je traitais avec des gens bonne réputation.
I thought I was dealing with reputable people.
Quand je traitais le sang séché,
When I was processing the dried blood,
Je traitais des dossiers explosifs.
I handled the TNT cases.
- Tu nous traitais de nuls.
You were just telling us how much we suck.
Tu me traitais de trouduc.
You used to call me asshole?
Devant Yin, tu me traitais de seigneur puant.
Didn't you used to call me a Rotten Warlord? Now I have nothing.
- Non. - Tu me traitais de gloutonne.
- You used to say I was a greedy-guts.
Tu me traitais de bourreau de travail constipé.
You used to call me an uptight workaholic.
La manière dont je traitais les gens, ici.
The way I used to act around here.
Je te traitais d'un tas de nom.
I used to call you a lot of things.
Je le traitais avec parcimonie.
I used to measure and count it out.
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