Translation for "auf magazin" to english
Auf magazin
Translation examples
»In Ihrem Magazin da?«
“In that magazine of yours?”
Wir sind ein Magazin.
We are a magazine.
»Das ist unser Magazin
That's our magazine.'
das Magazin war voll.
the magazine was full.
Das Magazin war leer.
The magazine was empty.
Es war Harper’s Magazine.
It was Harper’s Magazine.
Sechs sind im Magazin.
There are six in the magazine.
»Das ›Time‹-Magazin
“And Time magazine?”
Miranda Schweinebacke Priestly will unser Magazin kaufen! Unser Magazin!
Miranda fucking Priestly wants to buy our magazine! Our magazine!
Sie trugen bemerkenswerte Outfits, die man ebenfalls nur in Magazinen fand. Magazine.
They wore drool-worthy outfits, also found only in magazines. Magazines.
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