Translation for "brüsk sein" to english
Translation examples
Ich war reichlich brüsk.
I was excessively brusque.
Sie war brüsk und leise.
It was brusque and low-pitched.
Brüsk sagte er: »Hier.
He said brusquely, “Here.
Isobel nickte brüsk.
Isobel nodded brusquely.
Monsignore Hayes war brüsk.
Monsignor Hayes was brusque.
»Nun, was ist?«, fragte er brüsk.
‘Well, what is it?’ he said brusquely.
Der Elf nickte brüsk.
The elven figure nodded brusquely.
Sie ist manchmal ziemlich brüsk.
“She’s pretty brusque sometimes.
Sie wandte sich brüsk ab.
She turned away brusquely.
„Nichts“, sagte Jim brüsk.
“Nothing,” said Jim brusquely.
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