Translation for "comics der" to english
Comics der
  • comics the
  • comics of
Translation examples
comics the
Herumliegende Comics.
Scattered comic books.
Er hatte viele Comics.
He had loads of comics.
Sie las seine Comics mit.
She was reading his comics.
Und sie schaute in seine Comics.
And she was looking at his comics.
Rassenhaßbücher und Comics.
race-hate literature to comics.
Comics und Bigfootjagd.
Comic books and Sasquatch hunting.
»Das ist alles, was ich habe an Comics«, sagte ich,
“This is as comic as I get,” I said.
Lesen Sie denn keine Comics oder wie oder was?
Don’t you read comic books?”
Kauf dir ein paar Comics.
Buy yourself some comics.
Bücher, Comics, Kassetten.
Books, comics, cassette tapes.
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