Translation for "der transnationalen" to english
Translation examples
»Wie die Transnationalen auch.«
, “As do the transnationals.”
Wir sind alle Kolonien der Transnationalen.
We’re all colonies of the transnats.
»Oder die Transnationalen.« Boone überlegte.
“Or the transnationals.” Boone considered it.
Das schließt bestimmt die Transnationalen ein.
That certainly includes the transnational.
Und das waren alle transnationale Städte.
And all those were transnational towns.
Aber dahinter wird transnationales Kapital stehen.
But behind it will be transnational money.
Die Transnationalen, die investieren wollen, werden einen Weg finden.
The transnationals that want to invest will find a way.
Sie sagten Subarashii., Das ist die Transnationale.
You said Subarashii, which is the transnational.
Aber jetzt war es so deutlich, daß die Transnationalen überall waren.
But now it was so obvious the transnationals were everywhere.
Welche der großen Transnationalen waren am mächtigsten?
Which of the big transnational were the most powerful?
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