Translation for "die zeit zu messen" to english
Die zeit zu messen
Translation examples
   Er hatte die Zeit nicht messen können.
He had no measure of time.
Er konnte die Zeit nicht messen. Jedenfalls kam sie ihm lang vor. Durch das Gewicht der Schmerzen, das auf ihm lastete, erfuhr er sie am eigenen Leibe.
The journey seemed to take hours, although he had no way of measuring the time, except by the pain. His movements were awkward, his pace snail-like. He couldn’t advance without leaning on something for support.
Der Beweis war, daß er draußen lebte, im Dorf San Bartolomé, und den umherwehenden Staub atmen mußte, der anscheinend nach seiner Sanduhr, seiner Glasröhre suchte, um eine Zeit zu messen, die ohne Behältnis wie der Sand selbst verlorengehen würde: die Dïazpora der Wüste.
The proof was that he lived outside the monastery in the town of San Bartolomé, exposed to breathing in the wandering sands from Africa, which seemed to be searching for their water clock, their hourglass for measuring a time that, with no receptacle, would become lost like the sand itself: the desert’s diaspora. They didn’t put it to him like that, crudely, but they were insistent, fearful.
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