Translation for "ist die flora" to english
Translation examples
»Und Flora?«, flüsterte sie. »Flora? Ja, natürlich. Flora auch.«
“What about Flora?” she whispered. “Flora? Oh yes, of course, Flora, too.”
»Bist du das, Flora
Flora, is that you?”
Flora, du bist es doch, oder?
Flora, that is you, isn’t it?
Das Problem war Flora.
The problem was Flora.
»Sie heißt Flora«, sagt Sadie mir ins Ohr. »Flora!
“She’s called Flora,” Sadie says urgently in my ear. “Flora!
Und was ist mit Flora geschehen?
What happened to Flora?
Und Flora vielleicht auch.
And maybe Flora, too.
Flora entschuldigte sich.
Flora excused herself.
Flora ist in einem Pflegeheim.
Flora is in a nursing home.
Flora kicherte wieder.
Flora giggled again.
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