Translation for "ob sie das dürfen" to english
Translation examples
Die Frage, ob die Genossin O. in ihrem Text über den Mord an Rosa Luxemburg einen Freikorps-Mann mit ebenso großer Sorgfalt schildern dürfe wie dessen Opfer, war die Frage danach, ob die Autorin schon wissen dürfe, was sie erzähle, oder ob es genau im Gegenteil ihre Aufgabe sei, selbst zu suchen.
The question of whether Comrade O., who had written something about the murder of Rosa Luxemburg, was permitted to describe the Freikorps soldier as meticulously as she did his victim was really about whether she was allowed to know in advance what she was writing or whether, on the contrary, it was her duty to be constantly searching.
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