Translation for "pocht" to english
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Translation examples
In seiner Schulter pochte es, in seiner Wange pochte es.
His shoulder throbbed, his cheek throbbed.
Sein Zeh pochte und pochte, wie der Puls in seiner Schläfe.
Throb, throb went his toe, like the pulse in his temple.
Sie pochte und brannte.
It throbbed and it burned.
Ihr Knöchel pochte.
Her ankle was throbbing.
Sein Gesicht pochte.
His face was throbbing.
Ihr Schädel pochte.
Her head was throbbing.
Die waren rot und pochten.
They were red and throbbing.
In seiner Schulter pochte es.
His shoulder throbbed.
Sein Schädel pochte.
There was a throbbing in his skull.
In seiner Stirn pochte es.
His forehead throbbed.
Er pochte an die Tür.
He knocked on the door.
Ich pochte etwas fester.
I knocked a little harder.
Jemand pochte an die Tür.
Someone knocked on the door.
Es pochte, und Dane trat ein.
There was a knock and Dane entered.
»Enid?« Sie pochte fester.
"Enid?" She knocked harder.
Doch noch etwas anderes pocht hartnäckig an eine Tür in meinem Kopf.
Inside my head something knocks at a door, a heavy, persistent knock.
Calyxa pochte laut an die Tür.
Nevertheless Calyxa knocked loudly.
Das kommt mit dem Dunkel; das pocht an die Planken;
                They come with the darkness, they knock and they rattle:
Er griff hinter sich und pochte gegen die Trennwand.
He reached behind him and knocked on the partition.
Da pocht es an der Tür.
Then there’s a thump at the door.
Mir pochte das Herz.
My heart began to thump.
Sein Herz pochte heftig.
His heart was thumping heavily.
Seine Schläfen pochten und dröhnten.
His temples thumped and jumped.
In meinem Kopf pochte das Blut.
The blood was thumping in my head.
Ihr Herz pochte schmerzhaft.
Her heart thumped painfully.
Minoos Herz pocht heftig.
Minoo’s heart is thumping.
Kerris' Herz pochte heftig.
Kerris’ heart thumped.
In seinem Kopf pochte es.
His head was pounding.
Sie pochte gegen seine Ohren.
It pounded against his ears.
Er pochte gegen das Holz.
He pounded on the wooden panels.
Der Sheriff pochte gegen die Tür.
The sheriff pounded on the door.
Ihr Herz pochte wie wild.
Her heart was pounding.
Mein Herz pochte heftig.
My heart was pounding.
Charlottes Herz pochte.
Charlotte’s heart was pounding.
Der Schädel pocht mir zum Zerspringen.
My head is pounding.
Sie pochte auf die Karte.
She tapped the map.
Er pochte an Wandtäfelungen.
He tapped wall panels.
Er pochte auf ihre Nase.
He tapped her nose.
Aleksandr pochte auf den Hefter.
Aleksandr tapped the folder.
Sorren pochte an den Türpfosten.
Sorren tapped on the doorjamb.
Jonas pochte auf einen Schnellhefter.
Jonas tapped a manila folder.
Parker pochte an Wandtafel Nr.
Parker tapped chalkboard no.
Sein Handy pochte an seinen Brustkorb.
His phone tapped his chest.
Er pochte auf den Tisch neben sich.
He tapped the table beside him.
Rechts pochte er gegen eine Wand.
He tapped the wall on his right.
Sein Leben pocht darin.
His life is pulsating inside it.
Sie verharrte für einige Augenblicke fast abwesend, während es sanft in ihr pochte.
She stayed for a few moments almost distracted pulsating sweetly.
Nachts pocht die Wunde, dumpf und schmerzhaft. Tagsüber juckt es.
At night, her hand pulsates, dully and painfully. It itches during the day.
Sein Körper fühlte sich an wie ein Sack Steine, die Wunde an der Stirn pochte wie ein Chronometer und der Wind, der ihm das Hemd zerfetzt hatte, riss es ihm jetzt gänzlich vom Leib.
His body felt heavy like a sack of stones, the wound on his temple pulsated like a chronometer, and the wind, which had torn his shirt, ended up taking away whatever was left of it.
Ich hielt den Blick auf den Burgherrn gerichtet, dessen Gesicht nun solches Feuer zeigte, dass es beinahe menschliche Züge hatte. Das Blut pochte in den mageren Wangen, und der Mund war trotz seiner gefälligen Form schwarz wie getrocknetes Blut auf einer Narbe.
I kept my eyes fixed on the Lord, whose face now showed such a heat that it appeared near human, the blood pulsating in his thin cheeks, and his mouth as dark as a dried blood scar, for all its pleasing shape.
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