Translation for "rekordzeiten" to english
Translation examples
Sie hatten ihre Gegner in Rekordzeit besiegt.
They had defeated their opponents in record time.
Ich fuhr in Rekordzeit nach Hause.
 I drove home in record time.
In Rekordzeit fuhr sie zur Arbeit.
She drove to work in record time.
Ich bin ungeduldig. Ich erledige das in Rekordzeit.
I’m impatient, and I do this in record time.
Septimus holte den Schnee in Rekordzeit.
Septimus broke the record time for snow collection.
Sammy schob ihn in Rekordzeit zur Limousine.
Sammy proceeded to maneuver him to the sedan in record time.
Schaffte es in Rekordzeit, in die Lobby hinunterzufahren und auszuchecken.
Made it to the lobby and checked out in record time.
Und den V-vergaser hast du in Rekordzeit gereinigt.
And the c-carburettor was cleaned in record time. Congratulations.
Wir haben es in Rekordzeit geschafft. Unter zwei Stunden.
We made it home in record time. Under two hours.
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