Translation for "war inhaber" to english
Translation examples
Nur nicht für uns als Inhaber.
Except for the owners, us.
Der Inhaber ist mein Vater.
The owner is my father.
»Ich suche den Inhaber
‘I’m looking for the owner.’
»Für den Inhaber eine Goldmine.«
“Cash cow for the owner.”
Vom Inhaber des Ladens.
The shooter had been the store’s owner.
Sind Sie der Inhaber dieses Ladens?« »Nein.
Are you the owner of this establishment?” “No.
Die Inhaber sind zurzeit auf Reisen.
The owners are out of town.
Regan lächelte den Inhaber an.
Regan smiled as the owner approached.
Der Inhaber allerdings wirkte alles andere als verlottert.
The owner was anything but decrepit.
In Berlin den Inhaber eines afghanischen Restaurants.
In Berlin, the owner of an Afghan restaurant.
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