Translation for "afferrandolo" to english
Translation examples
Nuda, lei lo segue fino in corridoio, afferrandolo.
Naked, she follows him out into the hall, grabbing at him.
- Come, afferrandola per la gola e soffocandola a morte?
-What,by grabbing her Around the throat And choking her to death?
Si lancio' non contro gli uomini, ma contro le lance, afferrandole con i denti, rompendo le aste.
It was lunging. Not at the men, at the spears, grabbing with its teeth, breaking the shafts.
Un uccello arriva per fortuna in soccorso. L'ha subito tirato su afferrandolo per i pantaloni. Lo riporta in patria dove trova un cavaliere che lo accompagna da moglie e figli.
Luckily a bird flies past and grabs him by his breeches fast, carries him home and then, the noblest of men return him to his family again.
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