Translation for "guantate" to english
Translation examples
Poi una mano. Una mano guantata. Solleva un sasso ed estrae una collana.
Then a hand, a gloved hand, lifts a rock and takes out a necklace.
A mani guantate, si.
Gloved hands, yes.
Già, stavolta Mark mi ha preso a guantate di brutto
Yeah, Mark glove-slapped me around pretty good this time.
Con la mazza apri' una breccia nella porta vi fece passare la mano guantata di ferro, e poi tirando energicamente, spacco' e ruppe ogni cosa in pezzi, e il rumore del legno secco risuono' in tutta la foresta".
He uplifted his mace outright and, with blows, made room in the door for his gauntleted hand and now pulling therewith sturdily, he so cracked and ripped and tore all asunder that the noise of the dry and hollow-sounding wood reverberated throughout the forest.
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