Translation for "i radicali" to english
I radicali
Translation examples
Analisi del metodo Alinsky. Mentre Alinsky voleva che i radicali pressassero il governo,
While Alinsky wanted the radicals to pressure the government,
Ma se i radicali restano in carica ... due capi, Suretè e polizia, sono miei!
But if the Radicals stay in office... two Chiefs, Sûreté and Police, are mine!
Persino i radicali saranno colmi di indignazione.
Even the radicals will be filled with indignation.
Lei, Foxborough, i radicali, tutti ugualmente colpevoli.
You, prime minister, foxborough and the radicals-- All of you equally to blame.
Il primo conte de Reynaud espulse i radicali ugonotti da questo villaggio.
The first Comte de Reynaud... expelled all the radical Huguenots from this village.
Se vince la destra, questo dossier coinvolge i Radical-socialisti
If the Right wins, this files implicates the Radical-Socialists
Se Castleroy ha dato i soldi ai protestanti, se i radicali sono mai venuti a casa vostra, qualsiasi...
You could be linked to this, however unjustly. If castleroy gave money to protestants, If the radicals were in your home,
Egli fu colpevole quanto i radicali.
He was every bit as responsible as the radicals, in my opinion.
Adesso... Qualcuno dovra' prendere il controllo di tutto questo. Il governo, i radicali...
Now, somebody's gonna take control of all this - the establishment, the radicals - or... brothers like yourself.
Hillary voleva che i radicali salissero al governo.
Hillary wanted the radicals to become the government.
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