Translation for "infido" to english
Translation examples
Direi anche infide.
I'd even say treacherous.
Infida come il mare!
Treacherous as the sea!
L'infido elefante.
The Treacherous Elephant!
Tu... infida traditrice!
You treacherous, little shrew!
- Un'infida cattolica? - Non sono cattolica.
A treacherous Catholic?
Quelle montagne sono infide.
Those mountains are treacherous.
Infidi, freddi... bagnati.
Treacherous, cold... wet.
E' un'infida bugiarda.
She is a treacherous liar!
Infidi, viziosi disonesti.
Treacherous, vicious dishonest.
Questi mimimmi sono creature infide.
They're treacherous creatures...
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