Translation for "iniettabili" to english
Translation examples
'La gonatropine iniettabile 'regola lo scatto finale della crescita degli ovuli.
Injectable gonadotropins regulates the final burst of egg growth.
O forse e' iniettabile.
Or it could be an injectable. Ooh!
Giornata lunga. E' un tipo di sostanza cosmetica iniettabile chiamata Nutox.
It's some kind of cosmetic injectible called Nutox.
Stava lavorando ad un esperimento... Per trasformare la mia versione liquida iniettabile della cura in polvere. Cosi' da poter essere rilasciata su aree residenziali...
He was working on an experiment to turn my liquid injectable version of the cure into a powder so it could be released over populated areas via helicopters, planes, drones, even.
Un coagulante usato raramente, iniettabile.
A rarely used, injectable, blood coagulant.
A Gerald French non venivano somministrate terapie iniettabili.
Gerald French wasn't on any medication administered by injection.
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