Translation for "polpastrello" to english
Translation examples
Ecco... senti i polpastrelli.
Here, try my fingertips.
Con i polpastrelli bruciati.
With burned fingertips.
I polpastrelli erano lacerati.
His fingertips were all torn up.
- Colla sui polpastrelli?
Superglue on the fingertips?
- La decolorazione dei suoi polpastrelli.
- The discoloration on his fingertips.
Milioni nei suoi polpastrelli.
Millions at your fingertips:
Oh merda, sono i polpastrelli.
Holy shit! They're fucking fingertips.
- Ho i polpastrelli che bruciano.
My fingertips are stinging.
I suoi polpastrelli sono macchiati.
His fingertips are stained.
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