Translation for "sgusciare" to english
Translation examples
Il guscio, sgusciare... merda!
The shed? Pass the shed? - Shed your shell!
- No mamma, e' stato come sgusciare piselli.
- No, Mam, he was like shelling peas.
Non volevo sgusciare mezzo chilo di ostriche per la mia salute...
I Do not remove the shell a pound oysters for my health.
Sgusciare i piselli e' cosi' noioso.
Ah, she's very protective. ANNE: Shelling peas is so boring.
Siete sicuro che non volete far sgusciare i piselli a me, Mr Butler?
Are you sure you don't want me to shell the peas, Mr Butler?
Il gumbo è quasi pronto, devo solo finire di sgusciare i granchi.
Gumbo's almost ready. I just gotta finish shelling the crabs.
Scoiattoli appositamente addestrati per sgusciare le noci.
These squirrels are specially trained to get the nuts out of shells.
Sgusciare i piselli e' davvero rilassante, non e' vero?
There's something very soothing about shelling peas, isn't there?
Quando hai finito di goderti il "posto" mammina sara' in cucina a caramellare patate e a sgusciare gamberi per il gombo.
When finished enjoying "being here" mom will be in the kitchen candied yams and peeling shrimp for soup.
E quando era necessario, per torturare i nemici... stappavano loro tutta la pelle, in un unico pezzo... mentre erano ancora vivi, ovviamente. Come sgusciare un gamberetto.
And when it was necessary to torture their enemies... they would flay his skin whole, in one piece, while he was alive, of course, like peeling a shrimp.
Phil doveva schizzare via, sloggiare, sgusciare, smammare, decollare.
Phil had to bounce. He had to peel, split, laters. He's Audi 5000.
Chi ha fatto la regola di sgusciare le uova?
Wait a minute! Who made what law about peeling the eggs?
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