Translation for "tre cavalli" to english
Tre cavalli
Translation examples
Ci servono tre cavalli.
We need three horses.
Magari soltanto tre cavalli per la carrozza.
Maybe just three horses for the carriage.
Tre cavalli che mangiano il fieno.
Three horses eating hay.
Ma voglio i tre cavalli o niente.
But I want all three horses or nothing.
Janet Yi aveva tre cavalli!
And janet yi had three horses And she went to harvard and became an assistant d.A.,
Prenderemo questi tre cavalli.
We'll take these three horses.
Tre cavalli, Subito, a qualunque prezzo.
Three horses, right now, at any price.
Nel bosco ci sono tre cavalli.
I saw three horses up in the hills. I think they're bandits. - We know.
Io vedo un carro con tre cavalli.
I see a wagon with three horses.
Va alle stalle e sella tre cavalli.
Get to the stable and saddle up three horses. Three?
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