Translation for "виттига в" to english
Виттига в
Translation examples
wittig in
(Подпись) Петер Виттиг
(Signed) Peter Wittig
Шнайдер, инженер, явно был немцем, а Виттиг, Браух и Шмидт — английскими евреями.
Schneider, the engineer, was obviously German and as he discovered latter, Wittig and Brauch, like Schmidt, were English Jews.
Половина рычагов управления была снесена очередью, а внизу на палубе повис на пулемете Виттиг.
Half the controls had been shot away, and down on the foredeck Wittig was hanging over the ack-ack gun, supported only by its shoulder rests.
Теперь "Лили Марлен" была вся объята пламенем. Сквозь дым Женевьева увидела, как Шмидт пробрался по палубе, оттолкнул Виттига в сторону и занял место у пулемета. Хейр сказал:
The Lili Marlene was on fire now and below, through the smoke, she saw Schmidt clamber across the foredeck to pull Wittig away so that he could get at the gun. Hare said, “We’ve had it. Get Genevieve off.”
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