Translation for "она вынула" to english
Она вынула
Translation examples
Она вынула из кармана сотовый телефон.
She took out her cell phone.
Она вынула кошелек и заколебалась.
She took out her purse as she spoke, then hesitated.
Она вынула и подняла световой стержень.
She took out a glow rod and held it up.
Он открыл рот, и она вынула градусник.
He opened his mouth and she took out the thermometer and read it.
Успокоившись, она вынула из кобуры именное оружие.
She calmed. She took out her personal weapon.
Она вынула пули, болван!
She took your bullets, jackass!
Вдруг она вынула из кармана револьвер, взвела курок и опустила руку с револьвером на столик.
Suddenly she took a revolver from her pocket, cocked it, and lowered the hand holding the revolver to the little table.
Она вынула письмо из его рук.
    She took the letter from his hand.
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