Translation for "произошел взрыв" to english
Произошел взрыв
Translation examples
there was an explosion
В этот момент в дверном проеме мечети произошел взрыв.
At that point there was an explosion in the doorway to the mosque.
120. На улице Уруба в лагере Ярмук произошел взрыв.
120. There was an explosion in Uruba Street, Yarmuk camp.
В результате произошел взрыв, который затронул электростанцию и привел к жертвам.
As a result there was an explosion that affected the power station and resulted in casualties.
Когда он находился внутри дома, на втором этаже произошел взрыв; отец и сын погибли.
There was an explosion in the second floor while he was inside and the father and son were both killed.
14 июля 2009 года в деревне Хирбат-Салим на юге Ливана произошел взрыв.
On 14 July 2009, there was an explosion in the village of Khirbat Silm in southern Lebanon.
Произошел взрыв персональных банкротств.
There was an explosion of personal bankruptcies.
На электростации произошел взрыв.
There was an explosion at the power transmission station.
– На «Бонавентуре» произошел взрыв.
There was an explosion on the St. Bonaventure.
А сейчас на другом корабле произошел взрыв.
There was an explosion aboard the other vessel.
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