Translation for "рот и горло" to english
Рот и горло
Translation examples
Так, это немного заморозит тебе рот и горло.
All right, this is gonna numb your mouth and throat.
Пить «Костерост», как оказалось, тоже: он обжигал рот и горло. Хлебнув первый глоток, Гарри закашлялся.
It burned Harry’s mouth and throat as it went down, making him cough and splutter.
Он дышал глубоко и медленно, рот и горло были совершенно сухие, но и глаза тоже.
His breath came slow and deep, and his mouth and throat were completely dry, but so were his eyes.
Его рот и горло пересохли.
Cotton lined his mouth and throat.
Его рот и горло были воспалены… Это нормально?
His mouth and throat were raw; was that normal?
Рот и горло у него сделались сухими, как наждачная бумага;
His mouth and throat were sandpaper-dry;
Я вскрикнул без слов, потому что мой рот и горло онемели.
I cried out wordlessly, for my mouth and throat were numb.
Рот и горло у меня пересохли, я сильно ослабел.
At first my mouth and throat were parched, and my strength ebbed sensibly.
Мой рот и горло пересохли от страха, когда на меня обрушились вопросы.
Even as my mouth and throat went dry with fear, a question hovered.
вместо этого она смочила рот и горло живительной влагой.
herself in the stream but carefully to re-educate her mouth and throat to wetness.
Далекие рот и горло болезненно горели, запеклись, уже почти растрескались.
Somewhere in the distance he was aware that his mouth and throat were burning, painful, and cracked.
Она мысленно падает в озеро, вода заливается в уши, в рот, в горло.
In her mind she falls into a lake; water fills her ears and mouth; her throat opens.
the mouth and throat
Пить «Костерост», как оказалось, тоже: он обжигал рот и горло. Хлебнув первый глоток, Гарри закашлялся.
It burned Harry’s mouth and throat as it went down, making him cough and splutter.
Он дышал глубоко и медленно, рот и горло были совершенно сухие, но и глаза тоже.
His breath came slow and deep, and his mouth and throat were completely dry, but so were his eyes.
Его рот и горло пересохли.
Cotton lined his mouth and throat.
Его рот и горло были воспалены… Это нормально?
His mouth and throat were raw; was that normal?
Рот и горло у него сделались сухими, как наждачная бумага;
His mouth and throat were sandpaper-dry;
Я вскрикнул без слов, потому что мой рот и горло онемели.
I cried out wordlessly, for my mouth and throat were numb.
Рот и горло у меня пересохли, я сильно ослабел.
At first my mouth and throat were parched, and my strength ebbed sensibly.
Мой рот и горло пересохли от страха, когда на меня обрушились вопросы.
Even as my mouth and throat went dry with fear, a question hovered.
вместо этого она смочила рот и горло живительной влагой.
herself in the stream but carefully to re-educate her mouth and throat to wetness.
Далекие рот и горло болезненно горели, запеклись, уже почти растрескались.
Somewhere in the distance he was aware that his mouth and throat were burning, painful, and cracked.
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