Translation for "aeronaves de ala" to english
Aeronaves de ala
Translation examples
Es diferente el caso de las aeronaves de ala fija (y no creo que usted tenga informe alguno de vuelos de aeronaves de ala fija) es decir de aeronaves de ala fija no autorizadas que sobrevuelen Bosnia".
It's different with fixed-wing aircraft, and I don't think you have any reports of any fixed-wing aircraft flying - unauthorized fixed-wing aircraft flying over Bosnia".
b) Aeronaves de ala fija
Subtotal 4 790.0 - 4 790.0 Fixed-wing aircraft
b) Aeronaves de ala fija 906 200
(b) Fixed-wing aircraft . 906 200
c) La racionalización del horario de vuelos de las aeronaves de ala fija;
(c) Rationalization of the flight schedule for fixed-wing aircraft;
Las economías resultantes de una reducción del número de aeronaves de ala rotatoria serán considerables, pues se elevarán a 7.475.250 dólares.
The resulting savings from a reduction of the rotary wing aircraft fleet will be considerable, amounting to $7,475,250.
1. Servicios de dos aeronaves de ala fija dotadas de tripulación
The service of two fixed-wing aircraft with crew 794 702
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