Translation for "asomarse por" to english
Asomarse por
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Y un montón de gente empieza a asomarse por allí. ¡Contactos, chico!
And such being the case, a lot of people are starting to hang out there. Contacts, boy!
Un francotirador no podía asomarse por la ventana y apuntar casi en paralelo al vidrio, como si cabalgase a mujeriegas.
A sniper could hardly hang out a window and aim more or less parallel to the glass, like riding sidesaddle.
Peter debía asomarse por la portezuela para ver; el viento rugía en torno a su cabeza, le azotaba el cuerpo, pero ya estaban alcanzando al vehículo, que proseguía por la senda, serpenteante y estrecha hacia la costa.
Peter had to hang out of the hatchway to see ahead, and the wind clamoured around his head and tore at his body, but they were swiftly overhauling the vehicle as it raced down the twisting narrow road towards the coast.
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