Translation for "bastante indiferente" to english
Bastante indiferente
Translation examples
No obstante, según el Sr. Schabas, era aún más inquietante que las principales organizaciones no gubernamentales de derechos humanos se hubieran mostrado bastante indiferentes a la cuestión del delito de agresión.
Yet Mr. Schabas considered that it was more disturbing that the major non-governmental organizations working with human rights had been quite indifferent to the question of the crime of aggression.
Aunque despreciaban todas las ilusiones ideológicas... y se mostraban bastante indiferentes a lo que más tarde vendría a darles la razón, aquellos réprobos no desdeñaban anunciar por fuera lo que iba a seguir.
Though they despised all ideological illusions... and were quite indifferent to what might later prove them right, these reprobates had not disdained to openly declare what was to come.
Incapaz de cualquier relativismo, bastante indiferente en el fondo a la cuestión de la verdad, aquella chica sólo podía vivir sumergida, hasta el cuello, en el amor.
Incapable of relativism, and basically quite indifferent to the question of truth, Susan could only live by being entirely in love.
Vestida con aquel suéter de cuello alto y la falda larga de lana, Barbara mostraba calma y sencillez, pero parecía bastante indiferente a cualquier otra cosa que no fuera la recuperación de Fontayne.
Barbara had a meekness about her and a plainness to her in her high-necked sweater and long wool skirt, but seemed quite indifferent to anything except restoring Fontayne.
El Negro Nicolas (a quien los amaneceres le eran, por otra parte, bastante indiferentes) se encontraba muy satisfecho del éxito de su iniciativa, y sobre todo estaba orgulloso de su perspicacia: entre esos gavieros hacia los que no sentía sino desprecio, había sabido discernir en Napoleón a un ser de una esencia diferente: casi su igual. Ahora veía confirmado su diagnóstico: el mozo de camarote no se alimentaba de la misma dieta de manteca que esos marineros de cortos alcances.
Nigger-Nicholas was usually quite indifferent to sunrises. However, he felt very pleased with the success of his initiative, and above all, he was proud of his own perspicacity. He had been able to pick out Napoleon from the common sailors, for whom he had nothing but contempt; from the beginning, he had guessed that this was a different breed of man—almost his equal. And now his diagnosis had been fully confirmed: the cabin hand had obviously not been brought up on the same diet of lard and moldy biscuit as those ignorant sailors.
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