Translation for "caballo manchado" to english
Caballo manchado
Translation examples
A Caballo Manchado no lo mata una bala.
Spotted Horse cannot be killed by a bullet.
Los demás eran simples comparsas: el caballo manchado de Ace, el antiguo peso pluma de la señorita Esther, y cuatro de los caballos de tiro de Nathan más su yegua y un pony a medio domesticar que, sin que nadie lo reclamara, pastaba a orillas del río.
The other horses were simply company: Ace's spotted horse, Miss Esther's ancient featherweight, all four of Nathan's plow horses plus his mare and a half-broke pony that, unclaimed, grazed the creekbank.
En su cara, cerca de las ventanas de la nariz, se veía algo raro. Acababan de sentarse ahí: Bundren, la chica y el peque, en el banquillo y Cash y el segundo, del que tanto comenta la gente, en una tabla de la parte de atrás; y el otro, montado en su caballo manchado.
Like we didn't know it, and his face looked funny, around the nostrils, but they just sat there, Bundren and the girl and the chap on the seat, and Cash and the second one, the one folks talks about, on a plank across the tail-gate, and the other one on that spotted horse.
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