Translation for "cabello en la cabeza" to english
Cabello en la cabeza
Translation examples
Me sorprendió también un atisbo de su vello púbico, tan escaso que era casi inexistente, y el poco que tenía era recto y sedoso, como el del cabello de la cabeza.
I was also surprised by a glimpse of his pubic hair – so scant it was almost non-existent, and what was there was straight and silky, like head hair.
hair on the head
Sus pecados eran «más en número que los cabellos de su cabeza».
his sins were “more in number than the hairs on his head.”
Pero si él… no habría lastimado un cabello de su cabeza.
“Why, he’s … I wouldn’t have hurt a hair of his head.
–Para nosotros, llevar cabello en la cabeza resulta obsceno y repugnante.
“Because to us, hair on the head is repulsive and obscene.”
No quiero que las toquéis, ni siquiera un cabello de sus cabezas, por ninguna razón.
They are not to be touched, not a hair on their heads, not for any reason.
Después, lentamente, cada cabello de la cabeza se le erizó.
Then, slowly, every hair on his head came to life.
—Le acarició el cabello, apretándole la cabeza contra su hombro.
His hands were in her hair, pressing her head against his shoulder.
Deryn sintió que los cabellos de su cabeza tiraban en aquella dirección.
Deryn could feel the hairs on her head pulling in that direction.
—Juro por mi vida que no perderá un solo cabello de la cabeza.
“I swear on my life, he won’t lose a hair on his head.”
Durante los tres días siguientes eliminó todo el cabello de su cabeza.
Over the next three days, he removed the hair from his head.
Debía obedecer. No podía arriesgar ni un solo cabello de su cabeza.
I must obey—I dare not risk a hair of her head.
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