Translation for "cambiado al nacer" to english
Cambiado al nacer
  • changed at birth
  • switched at birth
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Translation examples
changed at birth
Primero cosas de niños… que me habían cambiado al nacer… que en realidad yo era un heredero…, esas cosas.
Kid stuff first—changed at birth—really the rightful heir—that sort of thing.
switched at birth
¡Ojalá hubiésemos sido cambiadas al nacer!
Both: I wish we'd been switched at birth!
Eh, por haber sido cambiada al nacer
Uh, for being switched at birth.
Mis hermanas fueron cambiadas al nacer.
My sisters were switched at birth.
Anteriormente en Cambiadas al nacer.
Previously on Switched at Birth.
Cariño, fuiste cambiada al nacer.
Honey, you were switched at birth.
Tal vez fuimos cambiados al nacer.
Maybe we were just switched at birth.
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