Translation for "camelista" to english
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Cómo no iba a pasárseme por la cabeza en noches ilusionadas, o de vaga embriaguez sentimental, si a nuestro alrededor vive gente de talento nulo que consigue convencer a sus contemporáneos de que lo posee inmenso, y majaderos y camelistas que aparentan con éxito, durante media o más vida, ser de una inteligencia extrema y se los escucha como a oráculos;
How could such thoughts not occur to me on certain hopeful, overexcited nights or on nights when I was feeling slightly emotionally tipsy, given that we are surrounded by people with zero talent who succeed in convincing their contemporaries that their talent is, in fact, boundless, or by fools and flatterers who successfully pretend, for half or more than half their lives, to be extremely intelligent and who are listened to as if they were oracles;
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