Translation for "cara seria" to english
Translation examples
- Es tu cara seria.
- It's your serious face.
- ¿Por qué esa cara seria?
- Why the serious face?
- Esa es tu cara seria?
That's your serious face.
Una cara seria, señor.
A serious face, sir.
Tienes una cara seria.
You have such a serious face.
Con esa cara seria.
With that serious face.
¿Por qué no vi tu cara seria?
Why didn’t I see your serious face?
Cuando estoy en la oficina, me pongo la cara seria.
When I’m at the office, I wear the serious face.
Lo dijo en tono sereno y con cara seria.
She said this in an even tone, with a serious face.
Una chica con largos rizos castaños y cara seria.
A girl with long brown curls and a serious face.
Trillian salió de la cabina con cara seria.
Trillian came out of the cabin wearing her serious face.
Los dos niños, idénticos, miran al objetivo con cara seria.
The identical boy stares into the camera with a serious face.
—La verdad es que no. —Bueno, pues para futuras ocasiones, esta es mi cara seria.
“Not really.” “Well, for future reference, this is my serious face.”
La cara seria de Sho Velez se volvió aún más seria.
Sho Velez's serious face got even more solemn.
¿Con la cara seria?
With a straight face?
No podía mantener una cara seria.
I couldn't keep a straight face.
Pon cara seria, vale.
Keep a straight face, okay.
Una mentirosa con cara seria.
A straight-faced liar come to that.
Notable cara seria, jefe.
Remarkable straight face, boss.
Un traje, la cara seria
A suit, a straight face.
¿Cómo mantener la cara seria?
How to keep a straight face?
—Por supuesto —Leo trató de mantener la cara seria—.
“Absolutely.” Leo tried to keep a straight face.
—Sí. ¿Y qué? —Nada —Percy trató de mantener la cara seria—.
“Yeah. So?” “Nothing.” Percy tried to keep a straight face.
—Me dijo que eras cerrajero —respondí con cara seria.
"She said you were a locksmith," I replied with a straight .face.
—No —responde intentando poner cara seria sin conseguirlo.
“No,” she says, trying and completely failing to keep a straight face.
—Tranquila —dije, intentando poner cara seria—.
“Don’t worry,” I said, trying to keep a straight face.
Y además se estaba riendo con una cara seria porque ellos sospechaban muy poco; nada.
Then, too, and with a straight face, she was laughing because there was so little they suspected, nothing.
A Eve le costó trabajo mantener la cara seria. —Lo intentaré.
Eve barely managed to keep a straight face. 'Til try."
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