Translation for "confrontando con" to english
Translation examples
Aunque cada región está confrontando cuestiones diferentes, la absorción de un número mayor de jóvenes trabajadores es una cuestión de alcance mundial que seguirá incentivando la migración.
Though each region is confronting different issues, the absorption of a larger number of young workers is a global issue that will continue to fuel migration.
Sin embargo, Somalia sigue confrontando una serie de factores de conflicto de larga data, mientras que también sigue enfrentándose a problemas políticos y de seguridad inmediatos.
However, an array of long-standing conflict drivers continues to confront Somalia, while the country continues to face immediate political and security challenges.
Además, la economía sigue confrontando diversos problemas importantes, a saber, la inflación, el subempleo y una enorme deuda externa.
Moreover, the economy is still confronted with several major problems, namely inflation, underemployment and a large external debt.
Una vida sin temores se construye confrontando la violencia contra la mujer en todos los ámbitos, confrontando el racismo, reconociendo los derechos y la autonomía de los pueblos indígenas.
A life without fear is built when we confront violence against women in all spheres and when we confront racism, recognizing the rights and autonomy of indigenous peoples.
Por último, a pesar de los importantes desafíos que seguimos confrontando, nos estamos moviendo en la dirección correcta.
In conclusion, despite the considerable challenges which continue to confront us, we are moving in the right direction.
El Brasil parece estar confrontando su legado de racismo y poniendo en tela de juicio la ideología nacional de democracia racial, que ha ocultado durante mucho tiempo la realidad del racismo.
Brazil seemed to be confronting its legacy of racism and questioning the national ideology of racial democracy which had hidden the reality of racism for a long time.
Y estaba confrontando con esos pechos,
And I was confronted with these breasts,
—Cutshaw se había levantado y estaba parado frente al escritorio, confrontando a Kane.
Cutshaw was up and had marched to the desk, confronting Kane.
Cuando se está confrontando a un animal más feroz, el lobo no es rival ni para un chucho callejero.
When confronting a more ferocious animal, the wolf is no match for even a homeless mutt.
Quien estoy confrontando puede dirigir y cambiar sólo lo que se le identifica de manera específica.
The person I’m confronting can only address and change what is specifically identified.
Antes de que nadie lo pudiera detener, el chah ya estaba en la acera confrontando con seguridad a una morena increíblemente hermosa.
Before anyone could stop him, the Shah was out on the sidewalk, confidently confronting a startlingly beautiful, dark-skinned brunette.
Le pareció que, al menos temporalmente, había tomado la iniciativa, que por fin estaba confrontando a su interrogador a un nivel más o menos igual.
It seemed that he had at least temporarily gained the initiative, that he was finally confronting his interrogator on a more or less equal footing.
32 Nuestra conversación siempre acaba confrontando su visión de las cosas, que yo llamo metafísica, y la mía, que es histórica, novelesca, agnóstica.
32 Our conversations always come back to a confrontation between his version of things, which I call metaphysical, and mine, which is historical, agnostic, fiction-oriented.
"¿No has aprendido nada de la muerte de tus guardias en Maiden Castle?", protestó Kyner confrontando a Arthor cuando éste se despojaba de su corona de oro y su coselete de lamas de bronce pulido.
"Have you learned nothing from the deaths of your personal guard at Maiden Castle?" Kyner complained, confronting his step-son as Arthor doffed his gold chaplet and polished corselet of brass strips.
Me tomó un buen rato lograr que en mi mente dejaran de girar, como una serpiente enroscándose para estrujarme, los rostros que fui confrontando en mis correrías desenfrenadas por el patio del castillo.
For quite some time all I could see were faces, spinning and twisting like snakes slithering up to strangle me; they were the faces of those I had confronted as I ran, crazed, back and forth across the palace courtyard.
El comandante Groper, que había sido asignado como oficial ayudante en el centro y se encontraba temporalmente a cargo, estaba confrontando a los pacientes en el patio, cuando de pronto vio que se acercaba el coche del personal y supuso que el ocupante del mismo debía ser el coronel Kane.
Major Groper, the adjutant at the center and temporarily in command, was confronting the inmates in the courtyard at the time, and when he observed the approach of the staff car whose occupant he guessed must be Colonel Kane, he cursed his fate that it should arrive during morning formation, when the inmates were always at their worst.
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