Translation for "dar la imagen" to english
Dar la imagen
Translation examples
Supone que contándole los sucesos del embarcadero podría dar la imagen de un hombre audaz, pero no tiene ganas de hablar de aquello.
He could probably come across as a daring man if he told her what happened on the boat, but he doesn’t want to talk about it.
Ryan había logrado dar una imagen «presidenciable» (no al uso, sino a su manera, y eso lo veían como un factor positivo los integrantes del panel de seguimiento).
So, yes, Ryan did come across as presidential—not in the normal way, but in his own way, and that, the focus groups all agreed, was good, too.
(Si hay algo que no soporto es a esos escritores, hay cientos, que se fotografían con sus perros o gatos para dar una imagen afable, cuando solamente la dan afectada y cursi.) Aproveché mi inclinación amistosa para mirarle a la joven Pérez Nuix los muslos a su altura y con detenimiento, no negaré que me iban llamando.
(If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s writers, and there are hundreds of them, who have themselves photographed with their dogs or cats in order to project a more amiable image when, in fact, they just come across as affected and twee.) I took advantage of my friendly bowed position to take a long look at Pérez Nuix’s thighs from close up, I will not deny that they continued to attract me.
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