Translation for "de colores brillantes" to english
De colores brillantes
Translation examples
Los tapices lucían colores brillantes;
The tapestries were brightly colored;
Quizá haya alguna cosa en mí que sea, por naturaleza, un pájaro de colores brillantes.
Perhaps there is something about me that is, by nature, a brightly colored bird.
Los ministros estaban presentes, reunidos como una bandada de pájaros de colores brillantes.
The ministers were in attendance like a flock of brightly colored birds.
La hilera de árboles cobró vida con la llegada de unos pájaros de colores brillantes.
The stand of trees came to life with the arrival of brightly colored birds.
El tresillo era de colores brillantes, de terciopelo de imitación y con montones de tapetes peludos en los brazos.
The furniture was brightly colored imitation velvet with a lot of antimacassars on the arms.
Las flores de colores brillantes de un árbol cercano se giraron para verlo partir.
The brightly colored blooms on a tree nearby turned to watch him go.
Unas cuantas flores de colores brillantes crecen directamente de la piedra decorativa.
A few brightly colored flowers grow directly from the decorative stone.
—Señaló una serie de trozos de mar de colores brillantes y divididos por muros bajos—.
He pointed to a series of brightly colored sea patches divided by low walls.
Sacó un pañuelo de colores brillantes de su bata de laboratorio y se secó la frente.
He removed a brightly colored handkerchief from his lab coat and wiped his forehead.
Sostiene una figura de juguete pintada con colores brillantes en una mano, y un fino pincel en la otra.
He holds a brightly colored toy figure in one hand, a slender brush in the other.
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