Translation for "de la gente" to english
De la gente
Translation examples
from the people
¿De qué manera podemos aprender de la gente que está firmemente decidida a ayudar a quienes sufren por vivir en la pobreza? ¿Cómo podemos entender la vida de la gente que vive en la pobreza?
"How can we learn from the people who have a strong commitment to those who suffer from living in poverty? How can we understand the lives of people living in poverty?"
Mediante su presencia en el terreno, la Organización no sólo aprende acerca de la gente, sino que también adquiere conocimientos directamente de la gente a que presta servicios.
Through its presence in the field, the Organization not only learns about people but also learns directly from the people it serves.
Te estás alejando de la gente.
You are drifting away from the people.
Porque es de la gente.
Because it's from the people.
Aparte de la gente.
Apart from the people.
No escapo de la gente que amo.
From the people I love.
De la gente que lo inventó.
From the people that invented it.
¡Distráiganlos de la gente!
Take their attention away from the people!
¿De la gente que te adoptó?
From the people who adopted you?
Saludos de la gente de la Tierra.
Greetings from the people of Earth.
De la gente del porche, de la gente de la ciudad.
From the people on the porch, from the town.
No procede de la gente.
It does not proceed from the people.
Gente de mar
People at sea
Gentes del Pacífico
Pacific Peoples
a) Invertir en la gente.
(a) Investing in people.
-El 57% de la gente...
-57% of the people--
- El campeón de la gente...
- champion of the people...
Amigo de la gente.
Friend of the people.
Las expectativas de la gente.
Expectations of the people.
Gente de Caldwell, gente de la Brayton, gente de Kilburn, gente de Willesden.
Caldwell people, Brayton people, Kilburn people, Willesden people.
Y gente, sobre todo gente.
And peoplepeople most of all.
Tu gente es mi gente.
Your people are my people.
Su gente es mi gente.
Its people are my people.
Nos da gente a la que ayudar, gente a la que servir, gente a la que abrazar, gente a la que consolar, gente a la que amar.
He gives us people to help, people to serve, people to embrace, people to comfort, people to love.
Conozco gente. Y esa gente conoce a otra gente.
I know people. And those people know people.
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