Translation for "del diario" to english
Del diario
  • from the newspaper
  • of the newspaper
  • daily
Translation examples
from the newspaper
Durante esos intervalos leyó en voz alta artículos enteros del diario.
During these intervals she read aloud items from the newspaper.
–¿No estabas de guardia? – pregunto, apartando la vista del diario.
‘How come you’re not on duty?’ I asked him, lifting my eyes from the newspaper.
—Un recibo del diario, con el anuncio publicado, en donde figuraba su nombre.
Not the cheques. I found a receipt from the newspaper for the want ad. It had your name on it.
of the newspaper
Número de diarios
No. of newspapers
Prensa diaria
- 265 diarios.
265 newspapers.
El diario de mañana.
Tomorrow's newspaper.
Era de un diario de Washington;
It was a Washington newspaper;
Los diarios, eso ya es otra cosa.
Newspapers, that’s different.
—¿Hay más papel de diario?
Any more newspaper?
Sin agobias diarios, sin cierres diarios.
No daily grind, no daily deadlines.
—¡Los rumores son diarios!
“Reports are daily!”
Yo lo como a diario.
I myself eat it daily.
Es una lucha diaria.
It's a daily struggle.
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