Translation for "el era calvo" to english
El era calvo
Translation examples
Era calvo o casi calvo.
He was bald, or nearly so.
the bald was
* Águila calva, EE.UU.
* Bald Eagle, US
Kannan y otros, (2005) informaron un FBM de 10 a 20 en águilas calvas (con respecto a las presas).
Kannan et al., (2005) reported a BMF of 10 to 20 in bald eagles (relative to prey items).
Águila calva (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) 9
Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) 9
Águila calva (plasma, n = 42):
Bald eagle (plasma, n = 42):
El señor Smith es completamente calvo. El señor Smith no es calvo.
Smith is quite bald, or Mr. Smith is not bald,
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