Translation for "el mayor de" to english
El mayor de
Translation examples
the biggest of
232. El Gobierno es el mayor empleador de Fiji.
232. Government is the biggest employer in Fiji.
El mayor de los retos es la pandemia del VIH/SIDA.
The biggest challenge is the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
La sanidad es el mayor problema.
Health conditions are the biggest problem.
Entre los mayores problemas a que se enfrentan cabe destacar los siguientes:
The biggest problems include:
Esta es la mayor multa aplicada a una entidad no financiera.
That is the biggest fine imposed on a nonfinancial entity.
Las mayores consecuencias de la degradación de los suelos se observan en la agricultura, que es el uso predominante de la tierra en África y el mayor empleador del continente.
The biggest impact of land degradation is on agriculture, which is the dominant land use in Africa and the biggest employer.
Nuestro mayor desafío y nuestro mayor fracaso se relacionan con la no proliferación y el desarme nucleares.
Our biggest challenge and our biggest failing are on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.
El Fondo de Desarrollo de Serbia, el mayor accionista (55%) y uno de los mayores acreedores (60 millones de euros), no fue invitado a participar en la junta correspondiente.
Serbia's Development Fund, the biggest shareholder (55%) and one of the biggest creditors (60 million Euros) was not invited to this Board.
De hecho, la India, que pretende ser la mayor democracia del mundo, es más bien la mayor hipocresía.
India, which claimed to be the biggest democracy in the world, was rather the biggest hypocrite.
que él era un satánico adorador del diablo el mayor de todos.
- he was a devil worshiper, he was a satanic devil-worshiper - ...the biggest of them all.
Es el mayor de los pecados mortales.
It's the biggest of mortal sins.
No es el mayor de los errores.Alguien...
Not the biggest of mistakes. Someone...
Este es el mayor de todos los vivientes reptiles y uno de los más temidos.
This is the biggest of all living reptiles and one of the most feared.
Tuvo que reclamar todos sus préstamos. El mayor de los cuales era el de mi padre.
Had to call in all its loans, the biggest of which was my father's.
El mayor de los mamíferos terrestres empequeñece ante los mamíferos marinos.
The biggest of those on land are dwarfed by those in the sea.
El mayor de todos los carroñeros es el albatros viajero.
The biggest of all these scavengers is the wandering albatross.
Pero éste, Labios Ardientes, éste es el mayor de todos.
But this, Flaming Lips, this is the biggest of them all.
Aquí, en Brasil, se encuentra el mayor de todos ellos, el oso hormiguero gigante.
Here in Brazil is the biggest of them all, the giant anteater.
El mayor de los cuales es Joyce Martin.
The biggest of which is Joyce Martin.
—Ella es el mayor de todos.
“She’s the biggest.
La mayor exclusividad…
The biggest syndication...
—El mayor del mundo.
The biggest in the world.
La mayor, que era un mentiroso.
A liar was the biggest.
(A decir verdad, no fue la mayor.
(Certainly not the biggest.
Aquel era el mayor cambio de todos.
That was the biggest change.
Era la sirvienta de mayor tamaño.
It was the biggest of the women.
Pero ese no es nuestro mayor obstáculo.
“But that’s not the biggest obstacle.
Henry era el mayor.
Henry was the biggest of them.
Ese es su mayor legado.
That is his greatest legacy.
¿Su mayor logro o su mayor locura?
His greatest achievement or his greatest folly?
El mayor y más antiguo.
Oldest and greatest.
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