Translation for "enantiomérico" to english
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Los cinco isómeros principales están presentes en la mezcla en las proporciones siguientes: alfa-hexaclorociclohexano (53% - 70%) en dos formas enantioméricas ((+)alfa-HCH y (-)alfa-HCH), beta-hexaclorociclohexano (3% - 14%), gamma-hexaclorociclohexano (11% - 18%), delta-hexaclorociclohexano (6% - 10%) y épsilon-hexaclorociclohexano (3% - 5%).
The five principal isomers are present in the mixture in the following proportions: alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (53% - 70%) in two enantiomeric forms ((+)alpha-HCH and (-)alpha-HCH), beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (3% - 14%), gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (11% - 18%), delta-hexachlorocyclohexane (6% - 10%) and epsilon-hexachlorocyclohexane (3% - 5%).
La absorción selectiva de α-HBCD y/o las diferencias de los perfiles estereoisomérico y enantiomérico de los animales de presa pueden ser otros mecanismos importantes.
Another mechanism of importance can be a selective uptake of α-HBCD and/or differences in the stereoisomeric and enantiomeric profile of prey organisms.
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