Translation for "encaprichado" to english
Translation examples
Encaprichado, prendado, enamorado.
Infatuated, enamored, in love with.
¿Cómo se escribe "encaprichado"?
How do you spell "infatuated"?
Un niño cagón encaprichado.
A poop infatuated toddler.
- No estoy encaprichado.
- I'm infatuated.
Ligeramente encaprichado, posiblemente.
Mildly infatuated, possibly.
Estás encaprichada con él.
You're infatuated with him.
Laura, estás encaprichada.
- Laura, you have an infatuation.
Adelaide está encaprichada.
Adelaide is infatuated.
Estás encaprichado con él.
You're totally infatuated with him.
Ella no estaba encaprichada de nadie.
She was not infatuated.
Estaba encaprichado con Graciela.
He was infatuated with Graciela.
¿Está enamorada, encaprichada?
Is she in love or infatuated?
—Estaba encaprichada de Graham.
I was infatuated with Graham.
Sin embargo, los Sloan se habían encaprichado.
But the Sloans were infatuated.
Creía que estaba encaprichada de él.
He thought she was infatuated with him.
Sólo está encaprichada de este tipo.
She’s only infatuated with this guy.
Esperando encaprichado a que te materializaras.
Waiting in infatuation for you to materialize.
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