Translation for "eran solo los dos" to english
Eran solo los dos
Translation examples
it was just the two
Permítaseme ahora tan solo plantear dos puntos.
Let me just make two points now.
—¿Solo nosotros dos?
Just the two of us?”
—¿Solo vosotros dos?
Just the two of you?”
¿Y por qué solo son dos?
And why just the two of them?
—Sí, solo nosotras dos.
Yep, just the two of us.
No, no uno solo, sino dos.
No, not just one—two.
—¿Había alguien más? —No. Solo ellos dos.
“There was nobody else?” “No. Just the two.
No eran solo esas dos habitaciones.
And it wasn’t just these two rooms.
Solo ellos dos —dijo Gallow—.
Just the two of them,” Gallow said.
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