Translation for "es fibrosa" to english
Es fibrosa
  • it is fibrous
Translation examples
it is fibrous
Hay pruebas de que la tremolita fibrosa causa mesotelioma en los seres humanos.
There is evidence that fibrous tremolite causes mesothelioma in humans.
Vidrio fibroso (fibras de vidrio, lana de vidrio)
Fibrous glass (glass fibres, glass wool)
Las mujeres también manufacturan escobas con la cáscara fibrosa del coco.
Women also make brooms from the fibrous husk of coconuts.
"Materiales fibrosos o filamentosos" ...
"Fibrous or filamentary materials"...
d) Materiales fibrosos o filamentosos, y materiales preimpregnados;
(d) Fibrous or filamentary materials, and prepregs;
a. Constituidas por los "materiales fibrosos o filamentosos" especificados en II.A1.009;
a. made from "fibrous or filamentary materials" specified in II.A1.009 above;
La hoja de roble era fibrosa, y todo el mundo escribió «Fibrosa».
The oak leaf was fibrous, so everyone wrote fibrous.
Hablan de garfios fibrosos.
They talk about fibrous hooks.
en agosto, todo es fibroso y castaño.
by August, everything is fibrous and brown.
—Algo fibroso, tal vez —observo—.
“Something fibrous, maybe,”
Era dura y fibrosa entre sus dientes.
It was tough and fibrous between his teeth.
Su textura era fibrosa, como la cascara del grano.
Their texture was fibrous, like cornhusks.
debajo, la tierra estaba seca y fibrosa.
the ground below was dry and fibrous.
Tomé un bocado: era fibroso pero fragante.
I took a bite: it was fibrous but fragrant.
El corte es una sanguinolenta y fibrosa laceración.
It is a frayed enough edge, a bloody and fibrous laceration.
Un tubo de plástico azul, una punta fibrosa-.
Blue plastic body, fibrous tip.
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