Translation for "escritor de cartas" to english
Escritor de cartas
Translation examples
El escritor de cartas no es un historiador subrepticio.
The letter writer is no surreptitious historian.
Eres un escritor de cartas nato… y en eso consiste la mitad de mi trabajo.
You’re a born letter writer—and that’s half my job.”
—Veamos si eres un buen escritor de cartas, Dharam.
"I'm going to see how good a letter-writer you are, Dharam.
No era una buena escritora de cartas, y es posible que hubiera más en ella de lo que éstas revelan;
She was not a good letter-writer, and it may be that there was more in her than they reveal;
—Estoy obsesionado con el caso —admitió Ozgard—. Era una gran escritora de cartas.
“I’m haunted by this one,” Ozgard said. “She was a great letter writer.
La vida en el Departamento de Investigaciones Criminales lo confinaba a uno a la mera existencia del escritor de cartas.
A life in the C.I.D. conditioned one to the existence of the letter-writer.
Fue, como sabes, un incansable escritor de cartas, que nunca se amilanaba porque una opinión no fuera popular.
He was, as you know, an inveterate letter writer, and never one to shrink from an opinion because it was unpopular.
Pero si creemos que Horace Walpole era un historiador encubierto, estamos negando su genio peculiar como escritor de cartas.
But if we believe that Horace Walpole was a historian in disguise, we are denying his peculiar genius as a letter writer.
–Remmy es una escritora de cartas a la vieja usanza, incluso más que yo -dijo Harry, observando a King-.
“Even more than me, Remmy is a letter writer from the old school,” said Harry, who was watching King.
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